Part 42: 06/29/09 - 07/09/09: The Butterfly Effect
It's been... a bit too long since we went down an alternative leg in the trousers of time, huh? Fortunately we can finally change that.
Before we focus on July though, there's this one scene at the end of June that just... didn't play last time, even though it should have done. I dunno.
So to fix that, I just sorta replayed the entire game from scratch because whoops I didn't have a pre-July save because I am brilliant at things.
After School

A-Are guys allowed to go in there...?

It's completely okay.

I-I see. Then... let's go.
> You shared some cake with Akihiko.

That was rather sweet...


Did you not like it?

Oh... I mean, I don't hate having sweets...

And... I heard that girls like eating sweet things, so...

Still, it was like having a lump of pure sugar in my mouth...

Yukari sometimes gives me sweet snacks once in a while.

...But that's not important right now.

Um... Are you still hungry? Want to get some real food?

It doesn't have to be something sweet...

> It's the two girls from the other day...
Buns: Like, stop stealing all the single guys when you've already got one for yourself!
> The girls glare at you with the intensity of a thousand suns...



As you can see, I'm here with Kotone right now.

We'll have to talk some other time.

Let's go, Kotone.
Heavily Made-Up Girl: Huh? Hey...!
..."Cutting menchis" means to glare at someone in a challenge, basically. To find that one out, I had to look at actual Japanese dictionary stuff because apparently they sorta forgot to translate it. Great, wonderful.
But before I found that, I learned that Menchies is an ice-cream brand and Google really wanted me to see a ribbon cutting ceremony.

...Sorry about what happened back there.

It's not your fault, Senpai.

...I'm glad to hear you say that.

All this about me showing off and taking someone's girlfriend...

There are people in my class saying things about me, too...
> It seems Akihiko has been going through a lot, himself...

...I had fun today.

It's nice to have sweet things once in a while.

Maybe you could make me something sweet sometime.

Like... Pancakes sound good.


...I like them.

Haha, does that seem like the kind of food I wouldn't like?
> Akihiko laughs self-depreciatingly...
> You feel like your bond with Akihiko has gotten a little stronger...
> You went back to the dorm together.
Alright, NOW we experience the alternative July.
And we're starting off the month with Rio, since we haven't really seen her much as of (relative) late.
> Your classmate Kenji approaches the two of you...

You again? What do you want now?


...Huh? Are you the only guys here?

Would it kill you to stop being so sarcastic all the time? It really isn't cute at all.


So, who are you looking for?
Even when we're not focusing on Kenji's terrible plot thread, he manages to somehow get it crowbarred in.

Yeah, but she's never here. She doesn't care... She doesn't even know the rules of the game.

Well, a sophisticated woman like her wouldn't care much for children's games in any case.

I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Ack! Don't waste that pretty face of yours by getting all red like that.

Y-You shouldn't say stuff if you don't mean it.

But man, where could Ms. Kanou be?

She wasn't in the faculty office, either...

...No idea.

Do you know, Kotone?

Maybe she went home already.

Really? You think so, too? Aw, maaaaan. I'm so bummed I could just fall over and die here.

Why're you looking for her?
> Kenji shrugs...

Isn't she just using you?

N-Now way! Ms. Kanou's not that kind of person!

She's so beautiful and mature and sweet that I can't help but--
> Kenji blushes...
That... is a really bad "blushing" effect. I know, PSP, but still.


Why do you like her?


You're such a kid, Rio-san...

Listen up, okay? It's got nothing to do with logic or reason...

It just happens...?

But seriously, don't tell anybody about this, got it? I don't even want you and Kotone-san talking about me! Okay!?
> Kenji leaves...

It looks that way.

He doesn't make any sense at all...

oh god no
> You feel like you understand Rio a little better now...

C'mon, we can't let someone like him get to us! I'll round up the balls.
> You and Rio finished your practice, then you went back to the dorm.
Well, this seems to slowly be turning in a bad direction, as is fitting of its nature as a S.Link here... but did it really have to be in the direction it's going to be? There is no escape from Kenji dragging everything down...
> Junpei looks very serious...
But at least we have a weirdly decent Magician link available instead.
Junpei Iori: The Magician
yes click that definitely do it
Warm Feeling
So, uh, Persona 5 got a lot of credit for being the first modern Persona game to include voice acting in its Confidants because people both misunderstood that ranks 1 and 10 being voiced meant everything was. And also because people forgot that Portable exists and did it first.
Granted 5 does do it for every Confidant, but that's not the point.

Ugh, I'm no good at this... Where do I start?

Going to confess your love?

Uhh, well... I had something serious to talk about.

I want you to have this.

I never had much I was that attached to, but I always held onto this for some reason.

I used to keep my house keys on that.

So when it turned out I was gonna get to live at the dorm, you wouldn't believe how happy I was.

I thought after that... I could turn my back on it all.

So I kept this keychain and house keys stashed away, since I figured I'd never have to use 'em again.

But after a while... I didn't like the way I was trying to avoid stuff.

I knew the problem wasn't gonna go away just 'cause I wouldn't look at it... and that I was lame for ever thinking so...

...That's why I dug these out.

Then again, I'm still kinda chicken...

If you hold onto those for me, it'll be like you've got my back for it...

That way, I'd have the guts to see him.
> Junpei's hands are trembling...

Hey, listen... You can talk to me too, if anything's bothering you, all right?

And I'm not saying so because I wanna be the guy people turn to. It's just, you don't have to do everything yourself.

You and the rest of the gang were there for me, and I'm here for you the same way.

Don't forget that... Okay?
> You sense strong affection from Junpei...
> You sense a bond with Junpei...
The Path Is Open
Warm Feeling
Surtr's a Fire Giant, not a god. Jeez. We can make him whenever we make it to level 52, so uh... Magician caps pretty early!

And it's not because it makes me kinda like a superhero or anything.

It always bugged me, that weakness I knew was there inside...

But I feel like I can change.

Or worse, I mighta done the wrong things with it...

So... thanks.


Geez, listen to me, goin' on like that!

C'mon, let's eat! You want some more green onion barbecued pork?
> You and Junpei spent a long time talking about all sorts of things...
So, Junpei was Cool and Good here. and you probably even noticed that we didn't get railroaded into a bad romance or anything. More links need to be like that; Junpei seemed like a Pretty Decent Guy here, and I loved that he was introspective and able to realise that he was just running away from his problems. He's not all perfect and fixed now, because growth never ends. He's started his own Journey at least...
Note that we will be spending time with Yukari here, and this IS a scene that is very different from its counterpoint in the "main" run...

Ramen, beef bowl...


This place is full of fattening stuff!

Ugh! It's getting to the point that I'm starting to feel a bit...

Have you heard about it? I've heard that it's on top of the sales charts right now.

Oh, but do you think people downstairs will hear? I think you have to jump around and stuff...
> Yukari is looking your way as she talks to you...
> ...?
> A car comes speeding down the road as Yukari steps into the street!




That was scary...

I was scared, too.

> Yukari still seems stunned...

Oh... You're hurt...


Why'd you help me!?

...What were you gonna do if you died!?

So it's okay if you die!?

That's not what I meant!

I mean... I mean, you're... you're our leader!


And... what would I do if you died?
> Yukari looks like she's about to cry...
> You sense affection from Yukari...
No, you didn't miss anything. Ranks like 3-6 are functionally the same between the two versions. A few things are a bit different, but the content is the same.

Haha, I keep bombarding you with all this personal stuff all the time.


Sorry, I'm a little confused...

Haha, I'm a kid, aren't I...


I'm... gonna head back...

> Yukari ran off...
> You decide to go back to the dorm...
It seems weird for this scene to not really exist outside of an alternative dimension. It's also weird just how late it is, really. It feels like it could be a REALLY early rank in both and yet...
Oh welll. Next up we have more, uh, Fuuka...? Sure, Fuuka.

> Fuuka seems depressed...

Oh... Sorry.


I keep messing up...

It's not a problem with how I make the recipe... How do I put this...?


I'm always like that.

It's like, I'm bad at imagining things in a positive way...

I keep imagining that nothing is going to go right...

If only there was something I was actually good at...

You're good with machines.

...I'm surprised you remembered.

When I was young, it was my dad's hobby to work on complicated music equipment...

He'd fix things like broken amplifiers and headphones where one side would be broken.

I loved watching him working on those things when I was little...

That's... probably why I became good with machines.

But, I don't think I could use machines to repay everyone's kindness...

When we really need help with fightning or technology, we have the Kirijo group's support...

I want to find something that only I can do... Something that people would rely on me for...

I'll help you find it!

*giggle* Thanks.

You really are our leader after all.

Oh, we should make something before it gets too late.

If we want to make something that we can take back to everyone, I think cookies would be best.
> You decide to make cookies today.
> You mixed the ingredients...
> ...kneaded the cookie dough...
> ...cut out the shapes...
> ...and took them to the oven...
> ...The cookies were pretty easy to make.

Huh? Are you done already?

I'm still measuring the flour...
> ...In order to avoid staying here late into the night, you insist on helping Fuuka cook.

Huh? You're putting the flour in this basket? But it's falling out of the bottom.

Oh, so THAT'S how you melt butter quickly!
> All the cookies survived.

*giggle* That's amazing, it came out right.

It wouldn't have happened if you weren't here...

But it actually came out right! For the first time ever, something I cooked actually tastes good!
> Fuuka is giddy with excitement...
> You feel like you have gotten even closer to Fuuka...

I caused you all this trouble again...

But I'm the one that wants to help you...

Anyways, I'll try harder next time.
> You cleaned up the room and headed back to the dorm...
We're gonna take a brief detour into Tartarus, but it's nothing too major here.
We just got some folks to rescue is all; first lad is on the 51st floor well before the Change Relic fight, thankfully.
The woman he got dragged in with isn't quite so lucky, though. She's up on the 61st which puts her just before the barrier, yeesh.
That done, I completely forget to go get our rewards right now so we'll hang out with Rio instead.

Aren't you going to practice?

Oh, Kotone...

Yeah, I was going to... but I can't get myself to move...

> Rio looks like she's about to cry...
> She doesn't seem like her usual self, so you decide to ask her what's wrong...

But... I heard Ms. Kanou, too...


They seemed to be getting along great.
> Rio mumbles quietly...
No, I am very sure that isn't going to happen.


It can't work out... They're a teacher and a student. There's no way.

He's such an idiot. He's just being toyed with!

He'll just end up hurt in the end...

Why... Why'd he choose someone like her...!?

> Rio's eyes brim with tears...

They don't suit each other.

Dangit, Rio. You were supposed to be cool!

> Rio begins to cry...

I... didn't know I was such a nasty person.

I've got these terrible feelings inside me... I hate myself...

What is wrong with me?

That's what love feels like.


> Rio weeps weakly...

I'm such an idiot...

I didn't know... all this time. By the time I realized it, it was too late...

Haha, how stupid of me...

Try telling him.

No way...

I know that I don't have a chance...
> Rio desperately tries to hold back more tears...
Let's be honest; there's only one real choice here.

Haha... Thanks...
> You feel you've gotten much closer to Rio...

I'm going to go home...

I'll be able to smile tomorrow... Act like you don't know anything.
>You saw Rio off, then headed back to the dorm.
Fortunately, immediately afterwards I realised that whoops I shoulda gone to see Kurosawa so we'll do that now.
The, uh, the 40,000 Yen is sorta definitely nice but the Shirt of Chivalry is MASSIVELY outdated by now. That's obtainable in Thebel. I don't even know why you get one here. It just... is so pointless.
A Deep Mentality
So, how about that full moon? There's one obvious thing that'll have changed later, but right out the gate we have a clear difference. Namely how random Arqa shadows are hanging out before we even fight the Hierophant.
Speaking of the Hierophant, he looks way less imposing here than he did before.
Which is fine, since he's the same as before and quite the jobber.
Kick his ass, move swiftly on to learn that oh no Lovers are still around somewhere.
Poke the mirror and carry on through the mindgames that are identical until...
The Voice Someone Calls



I think it's a trap...

A trap? Man, they really caught us off guard! This coulda been bad!
> Junpei ran back into the bathroom...
> It seems Junpei's mind had been clouded too...

Oh, I can finally reach you!

Can you two hear me?

I hear you.

I'm sorry I couldn't contact you sooner...

The Shadow was interfering with your thoughts...

And you all got separated...

The enemy is still in the same room. Please regroup and hurry there.

Junpei-kun, can you hear me?

Y-Yyyeah, I hear ya!

Um... Did something happen?

Well, maybe we could try this again some other time...

Hahaha, just joking...

...Let's go.
A Deep Mentality
So we will do just that. Learn about the seal on the door, meet up with the others...
Mitsuru still gets hyper-defensive if you ask if they're alright. Considering Lovers' MO, that seems a bit off but whatever.
Mirrors are in the same spot as before, run around break 'em and we get to meet the second boss hurray.

We can defeat it this time! Hang in there, everyone!
Manual control kinda neuters Lovers one gimmick since we don't have to worry about the AI forgetting to clear Charm. Whoops, no Heartbreakers here.
Gonna skip ahead from here again to just after everyone starts to leave. Junpei gotta get moody, after all...
The Voice Someone Calls
> There's a somewhat sullen tone in Junpei's voice...

Worried about me?

I wouldn't say that, but...

Meh, like it really matters...

Dude, what's the matter with you?

Shut up!
> Junpei trotted off quickly...
Yeaaaaah, Junpei's just as annoyed he's not gotten to be the leader but for, uh, very different reasons than a bruised ego. Thanks, Junpei...
Well, uh, that done we'll go see what Saori's up to next I guess. It'll be... something, I'm sure.

Wow, is that how that teacher is?

Heh, I didn't know at all.

I learn so much when I talk to you...

I never get to hear all these rumors that go around the school...
> Saori seems to be having fun...
> A boy comes in and stands in front of Saori...
> He seems to be smirking for some reason...

Oh, umm... Takaoka-kun. How can I help you?
Oh, I wonder where this is going to go.


Seriously? Then, how about today?

I still have some things to do there today, so...

Aww, I'll wait around. Let's go once you're free.

Oh... Okay then.

Well, I'll be waiting in the classroom.
> The boy leaves...

Do you get along with him?

...I don't really know him.

But if he really wants to go out with me, then...

Stand up for yourself!

Heh... It's not that big a deal.
> Saori laughs as if she just heard a funny joke...
...That, uh, that's really not a good thing.

If there's someone willing to take the lead, I'll gladly follow...

If I can find someone who needs me, I'd love that person with every fiber of my being.

...Do you think it's wrong to think that way?

I can understand that.

Really? Heh... I'm happy to hear that.
> You feel like you understand Saori a little better now...

...I should get going. I did promise after all...
> You did your duties in the school library committee and said goodbye to Saori...
Welp, I guess we'll see the obvious conclusion to this... thing whenever we hang out with Saori again.
Oh and if you've noticed the calendar in the corner here, then yeah. We'll be taking a brief respite here but that's mainly because, well, July's not really got a lot of super-new content; it's primarily frontloaded is all, which makes sense since July's free-time is also heavily frontloaded!